This is a really great website.

Let's add some text here on 11/5/09.



test 1 thursday

kjbigf yp4 piurb
by fred cupp

1 -- Contents This Page

Section 2 below - Joyce's Current Scranton Events
Section 3 below - Joyce's Future Scranton Events
Section 4 below - Joyce's List of 'Out of Town' Events
Section 5 below - Anthracite Rose Announcements
Section 6 below - Arthur Murray Announcements
Section 7 below - Ballroom 1 Announcements

(above list would be continued for remaining Scranton area dance studios)

2 -- Joyce's Scranton Area Events

* Aug 30, night owl's party, 2am-4am, Antlers Club, Grandview Acres
* Aug 31, all day Samba workshop, Harmonia Club, Dallas

3 -- Joyces Future Scranton Events

Dec 25 - Swing Implosion, Clarks Summitt
Dec 26 - Hustle Hoedown, Jessup

4 -- Joyces 'Away' Events

* Dec 25 - Swing Ding, Los Angeles California
* Dec 26 - Ballroom Breakdown, Seattle Washington

5. Anthracite Rose

(( Anthracite Rose posting area)))) posed by Anthracite Rose

6. Arthur Murray Events

((( Arthur Murray posting area ))))) posted by Arthur Murray

test Philip

##Copy 5/6/11, Special Mac Operations

 (work notes) Special "Good to Know" Mac Operations
  1. Drag Web Page Images to Desktop
  2.  Screen Capture to desktop file
  3.  Screen Capture to Clipboard
  4. PDF - Print any file to PDF
  5. Hide Unused Windows
  6. Minimize (or maximize) a window slow motion
  7. Have computer speak text

  8. Safari - minimize clutter at top
  9. Preview - combine PDF's into one file
  10. Use applescript to trim file names
  11. Expand all folders inside a folder in list view
Details of some of these operations on webpage, click here

About This Page  

  • This page attempts to show some of the special features of the Mac.  Often, the Windows operating system cannot do these at all, or nearly as well.
  •  Page number references may be given to David Pogue's book "Mac OSX Snow Leopard, the missing manual", Nov. 2010 Third Printing for OS 10.6.
A. Some Operations Macs Seem To Do Better Than Windows
  1. Drag Web Page Images (jpeg, gif) to Desktop.
    Windows does this also.
    (If a simple drag does not work, use special Safari procedure in on page B4.

  2. Screen Capture to desktop file:
    Shift+Apple+4, appears as something like "Screen shot 2011-05-05 at 11.37.14 PM.png".
    more details page B4 .

  3. Screen Capture to Clipboard:
    Shift+Apple+4 while holding Control key .
    Use Edit -> Show Clipboard to view contents/

  4. PDF - Print any file to PDF:
    Use Print menu, Select 'PDF' -> 'Save as PDF'.

  5. Hide Unused Windows:
    Hide all the unused applications and their associated windows - with one command -- page B4

  6. Minimize (or maximize) a window slow motion:
    - hold down Shift key & click yellow button

  7. Talk:
    Highlight in TextEdit, select Edit -> Speech -> Start Speaking.

    B. Other Operations

  8. Toolbar at top of finder window is customizable":
    'View' -> Customize Toolbar

  9. Sidebar at left side of finder window:
    Drag file or folder icons into sidebar to have a quick "path" to them.
    Drag the icon out of the window to get rid of it when no longer needed.

    C. Special Cautions

  10. Unmounting: (different than Windows)
    IMPORTANT: All external hard drives, thumb drives, etc; must be "unmounted" by using the 'Eject' arrow in the sidebar (or 'File' -> 'Eject' from the menus); or data or hardware can be damaged.

    D. Tutorials

  11. Video Tutorials:
    If you go to -- down at the bottom there are links to -- where there are links to many video tutorials (Anatomy of a Mac", "Windows on a Mac",iMovie, etc).
    Note these are for latest OS 10.5, so if you have an earlier version OS, things may be a bit different.

  12. Switching From Windows:
    For those used to Windows, note the area '' is written for people used to Windows.

    E. Other
  13. Expand a folder in list view, and all folders inside it:  Select top level folder, then "Option" & "-->"  (Pogue pg 854)
This page updated 7/21/08 by

test post 1

test post 1 by userid joyce